$80,000 History Colorado/State Historic Fund Grant!

I’m extremely excited to announce that , through a partnership with Colorado Preservation Inc., we’ve received an $80,000 grant from History Colorado and the State Historic Fund to cover half the cost of vital repairs to the hotel, including roof replacement, new gutters, soffits, fascia, paint, etc. as well as several structural repairs. The work will begin October 28th. The current roof will be replaced with a beautiful red asphalt shingle roof to match the color of the original 1910 wood shingled roof. I have hired some fantastic Amish roofers from the area, Millers Roofing, and will be using Deep Roots Timberworks for the structural repairs, soffit replacement and roof reinforcement. Barbara Darden from Scheuber Darden Architects will be handling the historic renovation drawings and grant writing. I’m very excited to be working with all of these incredible professionals.

If you’d like to make a donation to help with the required grant match (an additional $80,000 needed!), please visit our GoFundMe page. CLICK THE LINK BELOW:


